First, the sad news: Updates here at the blog are about to become infrequent at best.
Now, the good news: It's because your critic did, indeed, find another castle. Beginning Monday (February 6), I will be joining the staff of Kotaku as a full-time writer. Rather than seeing me try to cobble together several updates per month around my day job, you are going to see me try to cobble together several updates per day as my day job.
I am thrilled with this opportunity. It's an amazing chance to broaden my own skillset and audience, and with the time to research and write and the resources to expand my reach I hope to be able to investigate many ideas I would not have been able to before. Likewise, I am one of several new staff who will be continuing to expand Kotaku's voice beyond where it traditionally has been.
I owe huge thanks to everyone who has been reading and linking my work over the last two years, and in particular, to those who have consistently championed this blog and my writing to the wider world, and who have been welcoming mentors. In no particular order, I'd like to thank Alyssa Rosenberg, Alli Thrasher, Lesley Kinzel, Amanda Cosmos, Dennis Scimeca, Kris Ligman, Chris Dahlen, Emily Hauser, the entire staff of The Border House, everyone at Critical Distance, TNC's Horde, and of course my new boss Stephen Totilo, for offering me this new opportunity.
And last but most emphatically not least, I extend my sincere gratitude to all of my friends and family who have put up with my madness and passion (particularly my poor husband), and who always encouraged me to keep writing (particularly my parents). The several dozen of you who I talk with daily on Twitter and G+, among other venues, give me constant inspiration and keep me on my toes. Never stop: I'm going to need all of the discussion, inspiration, and encouragement I can get from here on out!
I will still be posting occasionally, when I have something to say that's not really appropriate for the new digs. I also plan to stick weekly or monthly "best of" link roundups to my Kotaku pieces over here. So the blog's not dead... just evolving. :)
[ETA: Also HOLY SHIT thank you all for the immense outpouring of support and congratulations here, on Twitter, and in e-mail or over at TNC's. It's incredibly appreciated, thank you. <3 ]